Sunday, April 19, 2015

Thoughts During The ACT

Well, the national ACT took place yesterday! This means college is approaching! It also means the anxiety levels of teens all climaxed at the same time. I took an ACT prep class so I was feeling pretty confident. However, most of my thoughts while taking the ACT went like this:
"Stay awake stay awake"
"Someone just flipped their page, I am behind??"
"What is this? Oh, just another thing I didn't learn in school"
"Will I honestly ever need this in my life?"
"Ughhhh I just wanna go home" :( 
Basically all of that was running through my head while I was trying to understand what the questions actually meant. I was so relieved when it was finally over. All I want is to see my scores. Your score determines a lot, mainly what college will accept you. However, I realized one thing. Your score does not define YOU. So what if you got a lower score than someone else? Some of the smartest people are the dumbest people in certain situations. And if you got a low score, that doesn't mean you're dumb. It means you have certain strengthens that the ACT doesn't test you on. A standardized test doesn't define you as a person. Only you can define you. All the Love -Kate

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